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Mummelmann said:
DolPhanTendo said:

not my fault you think every day of every week of every month of every year has to be perfect

It doesn't matter which day, week, month or year you look at; the numbers are still low. Flat in the US yoy for one month is decent enough but overall it'll probably be down yoy globally despite some growth in Japan.

And what do you mean by "pulling a PS3" anyway? The PS3 sold almost 8 million in its first full CY, with a staggered launch from Japan and was never anywhere near this low in the first years, it also grew consistently every year for 5-6 years and peaked at around 14 million in its best year. And it has had a 9 year lifespan now. Which of those do you believe the Wii U will be capable of?

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just wondering whether there are still actual, real human beings who believe in some divine comeback at this point. All signs point to less than 20 million lifetime right now, there is literally zero indication of anything else and lots of indications that even Nintendo themselves are preparing to move on and try again with new products.
The problem here isn't that others are being negative, it's rather that you are being way too optimistic with no basis in actual numbers and the reality of the market unfolding before us.

To be fair, early in PS3's life there was speculation of a 10 million LTD for PS3 and articles talking about death spirals for PS3. Though I think by the time we get to the quivalent time on PS3's lifecycles as Wii U is today all of that extreme negativity about PS3's prospects had fallen by the wayside, and the only lingering mantra was PS3 has no games.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix