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zero129 said:

Google The Witcher 3 Ps4 perfomance issues that took a number of patchs to fix. also well your add it google Assassins Creed Unity PS4 issues..

The Witcher 3 ran smooter on PC then it did on PS4.

Its also lies what your saying about frequent upgrades as you really dont need to upgrade that often unless you want to run everything at max settings (Something console gamers cant do anyways), Like i said i still have an old PC that can run everything thats out today with some settings turned down.

And who says you have to use a desk? if your using your PC for gaming why not just plug it into your tv and set steam big picture mode to boot at start up then its pretty much the same as a console once you plug a joypad in. If this is an issue why not get a steam link for when your gaming on your tv?

You have no excuse for the FUD campaign your running against PC on this site other then whatever kind of fear you have of pc gamers..

I'm sure more PCs had performance issues than PS4s. Just maybe not your PC.