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Azuren said:

This is the great thing about the Souls games: everyone can have a different favorite for different reasons, and every reason is a really good one despite what your favorite or least favorite Souls game is. Each game has a wonderful defining attribute and a show-stalling failure.


Demon's: Wonderful music, plays spectacularly for its age, sets up the stage for everything to come, depressing stories galore. BUT, it wasn't as refined, Tendency sucked. 


Dark: Perfection, single-handedly the best Souls (of its time). BUT, it doesn't run well on consoles.


Dark 2: Broken perfection, power stance rocks, speedy ladder climbing rocks, the DLCs all rock, lowered difficulty allows for a good jumping point into the series. BUT, lacked the perfect level design of Dark1, most enemies and bosses were "dudes in armor", lowered difficulty betrayed the community.


Bloodborne: Fast, frenetic, horrifying, the weapons were like Dr Suess instruments of death, faster paced gameplay feels more familiar to gamers (allowing easier access to the series). BUT, most RPG elements were stripped, very little customization in playstyle. 

Very good point.