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Hey GG, what up buddy.

So what issue do you have with cloud computing? People justifying always online?

Sounds like you are for "always online" supporting Gaikai and game streaming. Which by the way will be completely "always online".

Is always online seen as a bad thing anyway. I know how it came to be a buzzword that everybody used but why people started hating it was for different reasons. The always online thing that people hated was the periodic check that the X1 planned to have to prove that you still own your physical game. They backlash was that the X1 stripped the rights of you freely selling your own games how and when you want. If you had no connection you don't have access to any part of your game, even single player.

This is the type of always online and DRM that people didn't like. For some reason all DRM and anything that can be pinned with "always online" is bad for no real reason.

With cloud computing you choose to buy the game for the cloud computing features. Did Titanfall get a backlash for being "always online"?

Anyway if you are against "always online" then you should be against Gaikai also.

My issue with cloud is it was only really promoted heavily to give XB1 owners a lifeline. MS are just using it for PR and it will never ever be something that will be utilised fully by the industry. This industry won't get behind something that cripples or limits their short term profit, but it would get behind something that broadens their demographic and so increase their profits. One is a coding issue while the other isn't an issue at all. Offline their game doesn't work as well as online ... not an easy sell to devs or consumers. With PSNow (or any other service that comes along to compete) developers just have to submit their game and Sony then transmit it through PSNow. These devs still have their console/PC gamers but also have anyone else with a broadband connection. At some point in the distant future, when the takeup of Gaikai like tech is a high enough percentage, we'll transition over completely.


The PS5 Exists.