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They've said the next Zelda won't be out until at least 2009 and Mario Galaxy 2 not until 2010 so who knows if we'll see anything on either.

Rumor has it that Star Fox Wii could be out as early as Christmas of 2008 and fan rumors surrounding a Kid Icarus game are at their zenith. Treasure Games has announced they're developing two titles for the Wii so both could be announced at E3 and Factor-5's game for the Wii could be announced possibly.

I would hope that ground breaking third party support would be the key focus since that's what the Wii is missing the most and certainly needs if its to break free of the growing gap between it's titles and 360/PS3 titles.

More than anything Nintendo needs to invest in shoring up the ranks of its sub-development teams and work on new franchises to show they're making progress.