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Reeeeally need to stop putting the cart before the horse here. o_O I remember the LAST time there was a lot of confident insistence on what was to be the Future of Gaming- and yes, I saw the words capitalized plenty of times during that span- and it ultimately went nowhere because... well... not enough people were buying it. =P Whether this becomes the Future (here meaning a majority of titles end up using it) will hinge ENTIRELY upon how many people end up purchasing these early pioneering titles, and how much profit the pioneers are making versus how much they were making 'The Old Way.'

If they make bundles and bundles of money more than they normally would, naturally a large chunk of the industry will follow suit. On the other hand, if they're only making roughly-equivalent sales to what they were making for regular titles, but dealing with higher costs due to server upkeep... yeeeeah no. This is especially the case with the Xbox One, actually, because presumably if the PS4 doesn't support a title that's cloud computed, you're making a defacto Xbox One/PC exclusive... which is increasingly unlikely to happen the wider the sales gap gets, unless of course Microsoft pays every developer and publisher making a cloud computing title for the lost sales. (Which, hey, they might even do to try and promote cloud computing titles.) But without receiving a premium cut of revenue or up-front payment from Microsoft, most AAA who are more interested in financial return than 'Pushing The Boundaries! =O ' are going to ignore cloud computing, beyond maybe some cosmetic extra bits here and there, like the Kinect's voice commands in Skyrim.

So anyone who would like this to be the future of gaming would be best served by buying at least three copies of any title that relies heavily on cloud computation. Get those sales numbers up, and other companies will likely take notice. Without the sales numbers... =P

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.