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Here's mine. Just a random thought in my head. Gaming moments either from cutscene/gameplay that really draw you into the game and leave you breathless. 


5. Fallout 3: Walking out of the vault for the 1st time - never played much much of any Bethesda games until Skyrim; but I was 14 at a friend's house watching when you first step out of the vault into the huge open world. Awesome stuff. 

4. Prince of Persia (2008): The visual style - if you haven't played 2008's PoP game you need to. It had a beautiful watercolor style that was so pleasing. The best part of the game was easily just looking at the screen. Gameplay and story were meh but the style... *drool*

3. Bioshock Infinite plottwist - This one literally floored me. Legit jaw dropper. Not going to spoiler it if you still haven't played 2013's Bioshock Infinite; but if you have you know what i mean lol. Spent the next few days researching and watching countless youtube videos to explain the story

2. Halo: musical score - Mainly the first three Halo games. But I love the musical score for the franchise. It's the definition of gaming epicness. So much feels. Also going back to Halo 3 and Halo 2 the memories of playing co op with my friends. Good times. Shout out to the underrated Reach which also has an amazing score. 

1. Pokemon Yellow: Fighting Gary after Lance in the Elite Four - Okay so maybe i'm overrating this since i was a little kid. But the moment when you finally beat the Elite four in yellow (you know, that last pokemon game that was actually difficult) then finding out Gary was the real champion? OH AND YOU CAN'T HEAL? Crazy shit. Took me forever to finally beat him. Epic music with that fight as well. 


Your turn. If you're too lazy just do three :p

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros