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Farsala said:
My mom did not receive any of that and I guarantee we made less money then you did.
Single parent with 2 kids, works a 5-3 job, has $0 in savings can't afford to help me out.
Me and my brother also go to university but it was not a life of luxury at all. Because of hardships through life we learned that only through our own hard work could we make it without starving. We did get free lunch at High school but its like 300 calories out of 3000 for me.

That doesn't seem to add up. Five-three job  => full time, if not more. 40 hours *7.25 (minimum wage) *52 weeks/year = $15,080 per year (that is about 40% more than my mother would make, she is a waitress who averaged a little less than minimum wage even after tips and worked less than full time on average ~ 30 hours/week.) I am sure your mother qualified, especially if you got free lunch that implies you qualify for food stamps as well. You would also qualify for medicaid/chip in Pennsylvania with that income. So...