jlmurph2 said: Not going to reply to each post to keep the spam down. But mine refers to the statement of Halo not even dueling with the top PS4 sku. I believe that as of right now if pre-orders were included for October sales it would at least be at 20. But yes, we still have 15 days to see how the Halo half of the month goes. Also, the possibility of this $500 limited edition taking that top spot is a joy to see. Glad people are still buying consoles for Halo. |
Pretty much, month is gonna be very tight and nobody can see the future. It is all just guess-work with our own biases run amok but IT IS fun! :)
If Xbox won, I would never begrudge them it! Spencer is doing a good job ad I would hate to see his effort go unrewarded. Likewise if PS won I think it would be impressive.