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AlfredoTurkey said:
Considering Sony said before the launch of PS3 "BC will continue on forever'... I would consider it par for the course. Sony should have kept their word to begin with. That is one of the things that SOLD the PS2. Sony is the company that made BC popular in modern console gaming.

I think PS4 should have native PS1,PS2 and PS3 BC. Next gen, their console should have native, disc based PS1, PS2,PS3 and PS4 gaming. Just like they promised.


and while they re at it sony should include a personal buttler for every gamer. serving cool beverages and snacks while playing games. always there to be your offline game buddy, cooperative or competitive (who lets you win most of the time no matter how much you suck). who motivates you in times of dark souls and fetches your controller in case it 'accidentally' fell to the ground. not only that, but an allrounder when it comes to fixing your hardware and peripheral.


and all that for the price of just 9.99. for the gamers...

Hunting Season is done...