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Yay Outlaw!
Reposting from your old thread. Though I think it's too early to hype people for this game.
Oh well, no reason for us few to be the only ones suffering in anticipation for this game I guess. ^_^

Oh, and you're missing the cameo pics!

Everyone pay attention for I bring forth Valkyria Chronicles impressions!

Valkyria chronicles have been reviewed in this week's famitsu, scoring a total of 34/40 .

the reviewers particularly noting that :

+The game is very refreshing by combining action and simulation game elements together
+Graphics,Scenario,Presentation belongs to the top class games' performance
+Compliment on the originality and unique aspects on the game.
+Large battle stages
+Gameplay can be quite challenging at times

By Sonsaru@ gamefaqs
I read the review and the rest of the magazine today. I was so caught up in the 7 pages of SRWZ that I forgot to read the Valk stuff when the mag first appeared on Friday ^-^

Not much more to add, though. Overall they say that the production quality is very high, and while the focus is clearly placed on the story and dramatic elements the battles were described as "surprisingly challenging," with plenty of different possible stratagies and tactics availble. One reviewer did stay "although there are numerous things I don't like, overall an excellent game that really makes hope for the sequals," he didn't mention excalt what he didn't like!

Of course, you're better off watching the plethora of vids that Sega have been putting out, anyway! Especially the 2nd Training vid that just came out gives a really good idea of what the game will be like to play.

Personally I love the idea that the enemies fire at you in real time, meaning you have to hide and wait until they reload etc., and the idea that your guys always automatically fire back at enemies who move close during the enemy turn - there's massive strategic potential for traps and ambushes there.

In the back of the mag there were two more pages of images, including images of the optional soldiers who can be recruited around the start of the game - the "filler" units that don't impact the story but can be used in pad out your forces in battle. What is most impressive about these is that every single one appears to have a unique face - I got a really good semi-Shining Force vibe from this. So I'm loving that.

Fairly recently Famitsu have also started to put an estimation of play length with their reviews. For this it was 40-50 hours to complete and then 100+ to do all the bonus stuff, whatever that may be.

"Graphics,Scenario,Presentation belongs to the top class games' performance"
"Overall they say that the production quality is very high, and while the focus is clearly placed on the story and dramatic elements "
I'm hyped ^_^

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