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binary solo said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Last updated 7 hours ago:

#12 PS4 TLOUR Bundle (same)*
#27 PS4 Star Wars Bundle (down 1)
#29 XB1 Halo Bundle (up 5)*
#31 PS4 Nathan Drake Bundle (down 3)*
#50 PS4 Black Ops Bundle (up 4)
#66 PS4 Destiny Bundle (down 7)*
#75 XB1 Forza Bundle (up 12)*
#84 PS4 Star Wars Standard Bundle (up 10)

PS4 - 6 out of 6 bundles in the top 100
XB1 - 2 out of 9 bundles in the top 100

* Effects this months sales

Affects would be the more commonly used word here. Though if you mean these bundles facilitate sales then effects is correct (The effect of these bundles is an increase in sales of PS4 for the month). If you just means these bundles are counted in the sales for October then affects is correct.

RE destiny bundle re-stocking. I see there is no longer an Amazon 1st party "on back order" option. So I assume that means no resupply, which means Sony stopped producing the LE consoles. I don;t think it was a decision made based on how the TLOUR bundle is selling after the price cut because Sony would have needed to make a manufacturing decision abou tthe LE console well before the implementation of the price cut. Sony would probably have made the call not to do another manufacturing run of Destiny consoles in September. I would think the focus would be on churning out CoD and Star Wars LE bundles now and they need the factory capacity to make these units. My guess is that not all manufacturing sites are set up to make LE consoles so they have to prioritise manufacturing, and the priority now is making sure the November bundles are delivered to all theose who have made pre-orders, which will still be rolling in. It seems like a very unusual situation to have so many LE consoles on the market at once and so it's not at all surprising that the Destiny bundle has been stopped in advance of CoD and SW. That makes 5 LE consoles in a single year (incl MGSV, though that wasn't in the USA right?), which is a lot considering, IIRC, PS3 had none for the entire generation.

Damn it. Why couldn't you have spotted that error before? I've just been copy and pasting that mistake for over a week now lol.


The PS5 Exists.