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Miyamotoo said:
spemanig said:

Not nessecarily. I wouldn't say it's "very likely" at all. I mean, I could see them selling near equally, but I definitely don't think that it would move more consoles than a game like that.

Diddy Kong Racing certainly would sell much much better than those and similar games, games like you mentioned doesn't sell very well on Nintendo platforms and thats fact, but Kart game with Nintendo characters are always one of the best selling game on any Nintendo platform.

That's only due Nintendo home console owners not beeing interested in playing that kind of game in the majority of cases, but Knowing how Ubisoft and Activision have "good" relationships with Nintendo I'm shure they could make NX the console for the average FPS player with a really good Retro game. It's always better to have the largest userbase possible to launch a console, plus if most of players buy a NX for "The Last of Retro", COD NX and Assassin's Creed NX then those developers will be interested in making more games for the NX, giving the platform a more appealing schedule. I mean Nintendo can shurely make us regular fans happy with NX making a 3D Mario game, a sequel to splatoon, a Zelda new game/port, a few new games and what we usually get next, why shouldn't they try to make happy OTHER people ?