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Nem said:
COKTOE said:

Yeah, I don't want to be too harsh, and jump all over the guy, but I agree with you. Nem"s assessment, not so much. And what does "Sony Japan is all over the place mean?" It surely has negative conotations, but I can't guess what they are. The PS4 and it's software lineup are fine.

I think you are reading more in my words than what is there.

I mean Media molecule doesnt make Big games of the AAA sort. They make creative and sweet games, but not the big production type. Tearaway unfolded was developed by 4 people for the longest time (most of their people working on something else i assume. Perhaps the new PS4 titles). That is pretty much an indie team, wich is why i said that. Actually i just checked... its a 47 people studio. They are a small studio.

When i say Sony Japan is all over the place, i mean they do small and big titles with lots of partnerships, so its difficult to place their capabilities.

OK then. At least I know what you meant now.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."