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Are you sure the problem is people not liking you? Theres people out there with nothing wrong with them, they just have no friends.

Maybe the problem is you just not meeting people so you can become friends...If so, Here are some things you can do to help

1) Move out. Will force you to interact with all sorts of people, roomates friends, etc... and no matter how stupid or dumb a roomate is, I think people are nice enough to invite that person to do things

2) Go to church. Sounds silly, but is a great way to socialize (Especially after church activities), and church friends are always friendly.

3) Get a Job (Social one preferably, like retail, phone call place, etc). You'll be in an enviroment with people of all sorts

4) Find a girl to date. If things go well, you'll be able to meet her friends, and if you get close enough and things dont work out, you might still be able to hang out with her friends without any type of akwardness

5) Hang out with family. Go bowling or something with your sister/brother, should give you a chance to meet some ladies while your bowling, which goes back to #4

6) School. Classmates, walking in the hallways, computer lab, library, all places you can meet guys/girls.

I'm sure there are more, but the best thing to do I say is meet girls, because meeting girls you can pretty much do ANWHERE... Going to eat, library, school, family, getting gas, going shopping, at church, moving out with roomies, at a job... and dont be afraid to talk to a girl, who cares if you sound like a jackace, you'll never see them again...god knows ive had my share of idiot moments while picking up on a girl, but practice makes perfect and eventually itll go smooth