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I don't know how people are not enjoying this, unless you weren't a Battlefield fan in the first place. This beta works about a million times better than the BF3 one ever did, and it looks prettier than both BF3 and 4 by a long shot. The gameplay feels great, my gripe is actually with the guns. They didn't make them look futuristic enough, they look like typical weapons, but they shoot plasma or whatever and they overheat. I hope they have some much better ones in the final build, but to me so far the beta feels great, and I love being surrounded by the sounds of blasters and tie fighters and AT-ATs around me rather than the typical fire of weapons. It really immerses you in the game, and it sounds awesome, of course you have to love Star Wars too, which I do.

NNID: Dongo8                              XBL Gamertag: Dongos Revenge