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masterb8tr said:
starcraft said:

Rock-on-2008 asked me and a couple of others to contribute to a thread about why Wii or PS3 owners should buy a 360 a few hours back. This is essentially what I wrote, with a few minor changes. You should only bother with this if you are unsatisfied with your current console, were considering a 360, or are unaware of the 360's games situation. If you are fully aware of the 360's gaming climate and still decided you didn't want one, this thread is not for you. If you have a negative issue with something I have said here, I will be happy to discuss it in a new thread, or via PM. This is simply a set of reasons why people might like the 360 as a primary console.

Rock_on_2008 said:
I would like a XBox 360 endorsement from hardcore XBox 360 fans: mrstickball, Legend11, selnor or starcraft. Those four MS experts would know the most regarding the XBox 360 consoles.

Starcraft said:
Lol, thanks for the shout-out.

Essentially the 360's great advantage now is it's games library. As Rocketpig pointed out, Microsoft appears to have made excellent headway (finally, I know) fixing Rrod, as it is extremely rare to hear about cases or reports of recently purchased 360's dying, which wasn't the case this time last year. Of course if you want Blu-Ray then the 360 isn't the option for you (not yet, but the rumours of an add-on are getting stronger, not weaker). Of course if your happy to download HD titles for rent, the 360 has a far stronger service.

But what the 360 is amazing for is it's formidable library and line-up of games.

The 360 IS the next-generation JRPG platform and the only game that could possibly change this in the forseeable future is Final Fantasy XIII:

-Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata (supposedely a PS3 version is on the way, but it seems to have disappeared), and (in the future) Tales, Cry On, Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Operation Darkness and more (PM stickball for a fuller list I think).

Now Final Fantasy is huge and I don't see the main installment hitting the 360. So if you simply must play it and cannot afford two consoles, wait until it comes out and then buy a PS3. However beyond that be under no illusions, if the PS3 ever reclaims the JRPG crown from the 360, it will be at least TWO years from now, and even then it wont have the back-catalogue of the 360. Microsoft seems VERY committed to buying these games. With the PS2, it took FF growing the console's JRPG base before more JRPG's were developed, so we are talking a long time before the PS3 sees another major commitment, and even that makes the assumption that FF will expand the userbase significantly in a country (Japan) that already seems to have chosen another console this generation.


-People should be more aware of the fullness of this category for the 360. There are all the multiplatform games and then there is the big ones, Halo and Gears of War. So far all the PS3 has is Resistence, which by most accounts is a decent game, but it cannot touch either of the titles I just mentioned. Gears of War 2 will be out this year and it will be amazing. That said, Resistence 2 is looking very promising, but don't make the mistake of believing Killzone 2 will be any better than the horrible original.

You simply cannot go wrong buying a 360 for shooters, but if you want to wait, we should have a better idea of how good Gears 2 and R 2 will be, how much K2 will suck, and how far away a true Perfect Dark sequel is after E3. Note one thing though. IT is possible Microsoft will hold off on this title till there next consoles, but when it comes, a true Perfect Dark sequel is simply the epitomy of console shooting, and it will not be on the Playstation platform. Although you must pay for it, it should be understood that shooters these days lean heavily on the online component and in this area the PS3 doesn't hold a candle to the 360, and due to entrenched mistakes, it is unlikely Sony can change that until PS4. Also the 360 has the excellent looking Alan Wake (from the makers of Max Payne) coming. Can anyone say drool?


The 360 is the destination for Western RPG lovers, just as it is the destination for Japanese RPG lovers. The difference here is that there is no reason to feel that Microsoft will lose this crown this generation period (unlike the FFXIII situation above). There is not the vast number of good WRPG's out this generation that we had last generation, however the 360 is the place to be if you want to play any. There are the two major multiplatform ones, Oblivion and the future Fallout 3. But on the 360 exclusive side there is Two Worlds which after the patch is above-average but not excellent, followed by the simply AMAZING Mass Effect. This year, Fable 2 is coming, and it is looking like it will redefine RPG gaming. You can play co-op the entire way through the game in such a way that your partner can take something back to their game (rewards, experience etc.). It will have a very powerful AI-controlled dog that acts as a guide/supporter to traditional tools like mini-maps. There is simply nothing existing or planned, that is comparable on the PS3. Another excellent looking title that will arrive very soon is the first installment of the highly anticipated Too Human trilogy, which is starting to look fantastic.

And of course beyond this year, there is Mass Effect 2 in 2009, with every indication being that Microsoft traded PC publishing rights for ME1 (and some cash) to keep the series exclusive. There was also strong Jade Empire 2 exclusive to 360 rumours a few months ago, but with EA buying Bioware I wouldn't put that as anywhere near guarenteed at this point.


The 360 has some very well scoring racers in PGR3, PGR4 and Forza 2. The first and last of these sold gangbusters, however the second, whilst a hit with critics, was a disappointment at retail. If you simply cannot live without GT, then as with FF, you must buy a PS3. But if your a massive racing fan in general, get a 360 as well. IT is likely we can expect Forza 3 next year.


The ultimate platforming console this generation is the Wii obviously, but I believe the 360 will finish the generation in second place. The PS3 has Rachet, and by most accounts the most recent leaned more towards shooting than platforming. The 360 has the refreshingly wonderful Viva Pinata and Kameo (which was very fun), but we also have the third installment of the second best platforming series in history coming this year in Banjo Kazooie 3. This title is being developed by the original team, and development is led by the series creator. Add to that Kameo 2 in 2009, and you have an awesome little group of platformers.


If you simply have to have this title, which console you buy for it is a no-brainer. The 360 has exclusive downloadable episodes and what has been called the "definitive" version by Rockstar themselves. The 360 also has the excellent exclusives Saint's Row and Crackdown, and the PS3 has nothing worthy of comparison.


At the end of the day, any console purchase has to be made for games that you want. Theres a reason to by a PS3 other than games in Blu-Ray. However in terms of games, the only reason why you would choose a PS3 to the exclusion of a 360 is if you absolutely cannot live without GT, MGS or FF. Other than those three titles, the 360 has it over the PS3 in almost every gaming genre, and will continue too for at LEAST two years. At that point, even if the 360's game library is usurped by the PS3's, the PS3 will be far cheaper to purchase.

The 360 is excellent, buy it if you like games.


Other points of interest:

-In-game custom sountracks.

-In-game messaging.


 Hmm cant say that i agree with alot of those statements:


Number 1: the 360 is not the concole for jrpg fans and it probably never will be. Why? because of the rather weak installment base the 360 have in japan. 0.6 millions? thats pretty lame... Who makes Jrpg? hmm lets think... oh! thats right the japanese. Concidering the slaughtering of the 360 in japan its pretty obvious that the developers will find it more tempting to develop for the ps3. I can also add that while jrpg did well on the ps2 it didnt do shit on xbox, this made alot of j companies to sign deals with sony and besides lost odyssey the 360 really doesnt have any other jrpgs worth mentioning.

Ok lets take a look at your list:

first of blue dragon where to begin? where to begin? oh yeah it stinks...

Lost odyssey. I have to say i am rather impressed its a good game still havent completed it, but yeah its a good game. BUT its not final fantasy.

Eternal sonata: not 360 exlusive, sorry

Tales:  it has potential so does Cry on, but we'll have to wait and see. 

Operation Darkness: looks like crap, isnt really a rpg gametrailers listed it as a action strategy game which is more correct.

I am sure there are more games to add, but i am sure some other guys will.


Now for the ps3 and final fantasy. And your right final fantasy is big, its the king of jrpgs. And there will be two final fantasy games: Final fantasy 13 and final fantasy 13 versus. And that alone and i'm sure alot of you will agree its enough to claim the jrpg throne. Its also likely that there will be three final fantasy games on the ps3, due to the fact that they usually release more than one per concole. Its also likely that star ocean 4 will be on the ps3

But the ps3 has alot of other jrpgs as well:

folklore: mixed critism but ign and others gave it a 9, while som gave at a rather lower grade

dc universe: nothing much to say

White knight story: seems like an excellent game

Disgea 3: always liked the series

a remake of tears of tiaras

valkyra chronicles: seems awesome

 ever heard of kingdom hearts?

So in games theres not really that many killer titles revealed concidering jrpg, but ps3 has final fantasy, valkyra chronicles, probably star ocean 4 and white knight story in its line up and is best at games imo.

another thing what do japanese developers love? pre rendered movies and they  take alot of space, just look at lost odyssey 4 discs!! the ps3 has blu ray and is better fit for jrpg


Moving on to Wrpg: Most of the biggest Wrpg goes multiplatform. However the 360 has fable 2 and mass effekt.

Fable 2: seems excellent, but the developers give alot of promises just take a look at fable. A great game by all means, but it didnt live up to the hype. I liked fable 1 and i will buy fable 2

Mass effect 2: very promising.

I'll give the edge to 360 this time, there havent been any big exlusive announcements for the ps3.



Its hard to define this catogory cause most games have some sort of shooting elements. 1 person shooters: The xbox only have halo 3 right? and i think its clearly overrated. You say Killzone 2 will suck i happen to think otherwise, resistance 2 looks promising. This catogory is imo won by the ps3 while others will give the edge to the 360.

Third person shooters you have gears of war, but i can play that on my pc...with better graphic. Alan wake of course i'll buy that one, i do have a 360, but i'll buy it for my computer since it runs better on it. Fact: alot of 360 exlusives isnt really exlusives, they can often be found on pc. I'll come back to that later.

The ps3 have the agency, uncharted , uncharted 2, yakuza which cant be found on the pc so imo this catogory goes to ps3.


Drivers: While the xbox 360 have forza and  Pgr4 and 3, the ps3 have Gt5, motorstorm and motorstorm 2. Again this just based on opinions but again i'll give the edge to ps3 due to Gt5 which will have 900 cars and it can keep me occupied for a very looooong time.


Platformers: little big planet, ratchet and clank, jak and daxter need i say more? Kameo stinks, the only thing i might buy is banjo 3. Again ps3


GTA 4: well alot of sites have mentioned that the ps3 version runs better than the 360 version. 360 may have exlusive contnent, but it will be interesting to see if you have to pay for it...I might alse add that rockstar is developing two exslusive games for the ps3. The ps3 have Infamous and other goodies so yes the ps3 have something on the 360 regardless of what you say.

Now you said if you like games buy the 360 i happen to think otherwise if you like games buy ps3

heres the list i made a while ago: 

Note: i am norwegian i didnt bother to remove some norwegian words.
(også til pc) means that the game is for the pc as well, meaning only a concole exlusive


2)age of conan(også til pc)
3)age of pirates: captain blood(også til pc)
4)alan wake(også til pc)
5)Apb(også pc)
6)Banjo-Kazooie 3
7)BioShock 2(også pc)
8)Black 2(også pc)
9)Command & Conquer 3: Kane's 10)Wrath(også pc)
11)Cry On (bare japan)
12)Dead or Alive 5(kanskje ekslusiv)
13)Dead or Alive: Code Chronos
14)Dead Island(også pc)
15)Demons of Mercy
17)Dungeon Hero(også pc)
18)Fable 2
19)Halo: Chronicles
20)halo wars
21)gears of war 2(kanskje pc)
22)Huxley(også pc)
23)Infinite Undiscovery
24)Left 4 Dead(også pc)
25)Legio (working title)(også pc)
26)Lost Planet: Colonies(også pc)
27)Mobile Ops: The One Year W
28)Ninja Gaiden II
29)Operation Darkness
30)Prey 2(også pc)
31)Project Offset(også pc)
32)Project Progressive (working title)
33)Sacred 2: Fallen Angel(også pc)
34Salvation(også pc)
35)Shadow Harvest(også pc)
36)The Shadow of Aten(også pc)
37)Space Chimps
38)Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage
39)Supreme Commander(også pc)
40)Tales of Vesperia
41)Theseis(også pc)
42)Too Human
43)Totems(også pc)
44)Two Worlds: The Temptation(også pc)
45)Underwater Wars(også pc)
46)Universe at War: Earth Assault(også pc)
47)Voodoo Nights(også pc)
48)Warhound(også pc)
49)White Gold: War in Paradise(også pc)


As mentioned earlier very many 360 exlusive is actually for pc as well so... 

2.the agency(pc)
3.Amphibian Man(pc)
5.Big Time Revenge
6.BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
7.Brave Arms
8.Buzz! Quiz TV
9.Chain Limit
10.Coded Arms: Assault
11.Codename: Sengoku 23KU
12. DC Universe(pc)
13.Disgea 3
14. Driver
15.Eight Days
17.FIA World Touring Car Championship
18. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
19.Final Fantasy XIII
20. Free Realms
21. Future GPX Cyber Formula
22. The Getaway
23. God of War III
24.Gran Turismo 5
25. Haze
26. Heavy Rain
27. inFamous
28. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
29. Killzone 2
30. Kurayami
31. L.A. Noire
32. LittleBigPlanet
33. Metal Gear Online
34. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
35. Metro 2033: The Last Refuge
36. MLB 08: The Show
37. MotorStorm: Pacifica
38. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
39. NBA 08
40. Ni-Oh
41. Nobi Nobi Boy
42. Redwood Falls
43. Red Dead Revolver 2
44. Rengoku: The End of the Century
45. Resistance 2
46. Saikyou Ginsei Shogi
47. Second Season 01
48. Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo
49. Siren: New Translation
50. Slotter Mania
51. SOCOM: Confrontation
52. Steambot Chronicles 2
53. Sunrise Eiy?tan
54. Super Robot Taisen
55. Tears to Tiara: Earth's Wreath(pc)
56. Tekken 6
57. Twisted Metal
58. uncharted 2
59. Valkyria Chronicles
60. Value 2000 Igo
61. Value 2000 Shougi
62. Wangan Midnight
63. WarDevil: Unleash the Beast Within
64. White Knight Chronicles
65. Yakuza: Kenza
66. wipeout
67. kingdom heart x
68. star ocean 4


Now out of these games i picked out those i found interesting or those i think will sell well(i have a 360 and a ps3):


gears of war 2(kanskje pc)
halo wars
halo ch.
fable 2
ninja gaiden 2
bioshock 2(pc)
age of conan(pc)
alan wake(pc)
banjo ka..3


2. the agency(pc)
3.Buzz! Quiz TV
4. driver
5. Eight Days
6. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
7.Final Fantasy XIII
9.God of War III
10.Gran Turismo 5
13. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
14. Killzone 2
15.L.A. Noire
16. LittleBigPlanet
17. Metal Gear Online
18. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot
19.MotorStorm: Pacifica
20. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
21. Red Dead Revolver 2
22. Resistance 2
23. Siren: New Translation
24.Tekken 6
25. Twisted Metal
26. uncharted 2
28. kingdom heart x
29: star ocean
30. white knight story
(i am a fan of Jrpg;) )

However this is just my taste, but i think the ps3 has a much stronger line up.


Cross media bar is coming for the ps3 and so is home. 

So this is why i think you should buy the ps3

psn id = Holy Tard

Xbox live= Holy Punk, Holy Sheep. 


it would've been nice if you just listed the titles that have had updates since 2004, some most of those ps3 titles will be multiplatform, or will not be out for a couple of years, or will be cancelled. Same with the xbox games.  You inflated both systems upcoming games; and since the ps3 (originally) had more developer support in the beginning, alot of those games will be multiplatform now or cancelled. (exept for the japan only games., which you shouldn't care about anyway, since you don't live in japan.)

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive