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twintail said:
JustBeingReal said:

Actually it is, I mean Sony's biggest new IP is from an EU Studio (that's Horizon from Guerrilla Amsterdam), the big VR game is RIGS from Cambridge, Media Molecule have released Tearaway Unfolded already and Dreams is up next.

Supermassive Games are based in England, same goes for Evolution Studios, both Driveclub and Until Dawn were both made in the UK.

Sony London are Playstation's 2nd largest studio, they basically housed development for Playstation VR.

Europe is Sony's biggest market, in fact Europe is where the majority of Sony's sales in both hardware and software comes from.

North West are also based in the UK, their Sony's dedicated VR studio. There's also the team making Hardware: Rivals, I'm pretty sure they're based in or around London Studio.


Output has been larger from European studios for PS4 exclusives (games on releasing on PS4, nothing else) and we still haven't seen anything in the way of a true game from London Studio yet. European PS4 exclusives are more prevelant than Japanese or even American right now, that may change at PSX.


From Gamescom virtually every Gamescom has been packed with big announcements, Sony are on a roll with each of their conferences, so it's highly likely they'll stay the course with their next conference and any going forward.


As for London, they didn't keep over 300 people on their staff for years to make VR demos and Singstar, seriously they have more people than Guerrilla Games who have got their 2nd and 3rd AAA releases coming for PS4 by next year, London probably has a few big things in the works that didn't pan out on PS3, but were moved to PS4 because it was more capable hardware wise. Singstar barely needs an indie studio to make it. Those VR demos have largely been on rails stuff, it's not like making full games, RIGS I can understand needing like 50+ people.

What London has been making for Playstation VR has been awesome based on what demo users have said, that's the most recent stuff.

Very few of these EU games you mentioned are even announced at a EU event. Its usally USA based.

And keep in mind for that as big as Sony London supposedly are, 95% of their PS3 output was Singstar and the remainder was not traditional gaming efforts.

And yes Gamescom is usually packed, but its a lot of quirky experiment titles that are usually announced, as opposed to stuff like Horizon. Of course something like Horizon is going to be announced at PGW.

It is definitely about time Sony London showed off something more akin to what the larger PS base would like to play, but no one ever talkes about what Sony Lodon is developing. Insiders, Shuhei. So either its a massive secret, or its still the typcial flavour of the month for how their development goes. And as you mentioned, they are doing VR stuff too. Thats pretty much what Sony London has become: a studio that makes games for various additional hardware for PS devices. 

Until I see otherwise at PGW, I think you are banking a bit too much on them. But I would love to see something new and cool from them nonetheless.

As I have said before, I expect PGW and PSX to both be as big as their E3 and TGS conferences this year. But just not necesraly in the same way they were. 


They're still games developed in the EU regions, plus it means a lot less traveling for Sony to pay for if EU based developers bring their games to a more local show. There's no such thing as a usual kind of conference, because these events aren't run of the mill, with the same type of games always being announced at them, the history of Gamescom or any show is literred with a variety of different things happening.

As for London, the point here is that they're a large developer, with a large amount of resources, games take a long time to make, especially if you were planning on making something for one platform that simply wasn't capable of handling your vision, TLG was one such title like that, Ni-Oh was another. I'm pretty sure that both Horizon and The Order also started life out on PS3, with ideas being thought through on the previous generation, but eventually hardware catches up and they all came to PS4.

As I said before there's no such thing as a usual Gamescom, although looking at history it's hardly unheard of for that event to have big games announced, a Horizon only happens once in a while, but usually such a game getting announced at X, Y or Z event is down to whether it's ready to show or rather what effect it's going to have on a particular audience (you wouldn't announce a game that is appealing to the Niche Japanese market, targeted towards the west, if said game had no chance of selling there, Sony's never really done stuff like that, even Bloodborne had appeal towards the west, hence why it's moved so well in that region).

Gamescom doesn't just have querky games announced at that event, big AAA sequels, new IPs and new spin-offs from established games get announced there, tbh Paris could be huge, Gamescom's certainly had those moments in the past.

Singstar doesn't require 300+ people, even if the studio was making monthly releases, less than a handful of people are needed to make that game, hell an indie team of like 10 people are making No Man's Sky, Singstar isn't that complicated, it only really requires a few people to make a program to upload music videos to and analyze pitch of the audio tracks, then overlay a graph on top of the video footage for the players to follow, very simple. VR demos may be a little more complicated, because it's new tech and requires a larger field of view, tracking and such, but still it's a slice of a level of something.


TBh I thnk we're better off gauging how Sony have treated each of their recent conferences, since Gamescom last year it's been constant announcements and we're at a point where developers are ready to show what they've been busy with. As far as 1st party Studios go it really makes no sense to keep huge resources for them to basically be making nothing and London have had hundreds of staff since 2004, obviously they announced Eight Days and The Getaway during the PS3's life and those games were meant to be released by now, but the vision for both was huge. Eight Days was basically this huge Physics fest, it's not surprising that PS3 couldn't handle it with even a 20-30FPS at sub 720p, hell TLG was basically running at a slideshow according to Shu and even with cut backs on that game's features it still couldn't hit a level of performance Sony were happy with. The Getaway on PS3 was meant to have the most accurate representation of London there's ever been, yet both that game and 8 Days were never canceled, just like TLG the devs went quiet, they could have canceled them once and for all, but that never happened and any time you ask Shu or any people that could have information they don't just say "both games were canceled internally". I'm pretty sure the studio head of London at the time had said in like 2011 or 2012 that Eight Days was utterly phenomenal, but yet it never came into existence as a PS3 release. Sony are fine canceling games if they don't work out, hell Horizon was a risky prospect, very querky really and it was a massive risk for Sony to put so much development weight behind it, but it happened or is happening. VR is a risk, yet Sony are well and truly behind it.


As for your comment on London being only involved in accessory hardware development at Sony, well they were able to make eyetoy for PS2, while also making a tonne of other different titles, along with The Getaway Black Monday, the original Hardware Rivals. As a studio they have been working on multiple AAA releases, but ideas don't always pan out or work on a particular console, seems like PS4 is capable of handling a bunch of games that just couldn't be done on PS3, hell it's the 1st home console that can manage VR, which is saying something.


What you have to realize about my posts like this is that I'm speaking about possibilities, I'm not saying that I 100% think all of these games or studios will be announcing all of this.

I'm just saying that these are the potentials and I think we'll see more than just one thing announced from a AAA studio. London seems like the most likely candidate to have something, given they have the resources and their other projects wouldn't really have required the amount of staff that are present at that studio.

IMO Quantic Dream and London will reveal a game each, maybe GT7 will be there, could that be considered as good as E3 this year? Not really IMO, unless London happened to bring 3 games by themselves, Eight Days and The Getaway, along with a secret VR game and QD brought their new IP, but even those things and GT7 probably wouldn't be considered as huge as Horizon, Dreams, RIGS, The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and Final Fantasy 7: Remake.

IMO things like WiLD, Rime and such are way bigger surprises, because you simply can't predict that kind of thing happening, a surprise studio announcement and something highly unique or major in scale (WiLD was meant to be targeting to have an environment the size of Europe, with an endless amount of stuff to do and you could become any creature you see and play around as them).

We all have our own subjective opinions on what's big or not, personally I think indie games nowadays can be just as big in scope as AAA developed games, mainly because those studios are working within their means and making more efficient use of their resources.


I hope time flies to get to these events, I just want to know what Sony's studios and their partners have been up to. I'd even be happy with an event where Sony just dealt with a bunch of the games that they've already announced, giving out new gameplay, details and maybe some release dates for those titles. We'll see what happens.