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Well, I've had this funny feeling for a while, that I've not been brave enough to make a thread about until now.

That feeling is that we may not see another Smash, or another Mario Kart, or another Super Mario Bros - at least not as we've known them up to now.

I don't know why it is - maybe its because MK8 suddenly became cross-IP with its DLC plus the Mercedes promotional, and that Smash 4 is now squeezing so many characters in, and even having fans vote for the next character - and then there's Mario Maker, basically turning the creation of SMB courses over to the players and giving them the reigns. Where do they - where can they go from there?

It sort of gave me the feeling that we might be witnessing something of a big finale, somehow, with these series.

Am I alone in thinking this, or has anyone else wondered the same thing?

Of course, I could be completely wrong and am underestimating their creativity for whatever they have planned for the NX - whatever shape or form that takes.

But supposing they were retiring or putting these series on hiatus. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? What do you think?