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3. Zero Escape series - 999 and Virtue's Last Reward, where do I even begin? Its a visual novel type game where your character is kidnapped and forced to play a deadly game with 8 other people in order to escape. The game play consists of lots of reading and occasional puzzle rooms which are lots of fun and usually pretty challenging too, I had to use notes to complete a few. I would say they probably have the best story's in any video games I've ever played, I was so drawn in wanting to know what happens next. The games have multiple endings(24 in VLR!) so lots of replay value. Now I realize these games are not for everyone but if you enjoy professor layton/ace attorney style games and have a 3ds do yourself a favor and give them a chance, and definitely play 999 first if possible.

Well, while tecnically the game "has" 24 endings, there actually only one ending, or if you prefer, one true ending.But yeah, the way that each implement one another is excellent

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.