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So it seems the Meow Meow Beenz beta at Greendale Community College was a success. They just had to change the name, but it's now ready to roll out to the public.


Honestly I expect this will amount to nothing though. The reaction of everyone hearing about it will mostly be similar to the response here, there will be some hand wringing about what the world is coming to and fear of rampant abuse and a dystopian future where Peeple ratings determine the structure of society... Then the app will flop because most people realise it's a stupid idea (or they have forgotten about that story about it they saw shared on social media a couple of months ago), there will unfortunately be a few cases of people abusing it demonstrating the obvious problems, the bad publicity / legal cases will start flowing and it will become more trouble than it's worth to continue the app, at least in its stated form (perhaps being replaced by some version where people have to opt in to being rated, or ratings are replaced with something along the lines of number of "likes", with no "dislike" option).