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potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

Why can't the hardware specifications be extremely similar, like the newest iPod Touch & Apple TV for example? Like I said earlier, they aren't trying to get the games that are on PS4/XB1, it's to make the games that currently release on Nintendo platforms to be available on either form factor and no longer be segregated. The 3rd party support that it will get will be the Japanese 3rd parties that support Nintendo handhelds, the family/casual friendly western games and indies that both get and if the Android rumors are true than it will likely get a solid chuck of mobile titles.

They absolutely can be, and Apple is a great example of what Nintendo will need to do if Nintendo wants to be successful with this approach. However, there is no making a game for the iPhone 6 and it "just working" on the iPhone 4, or iPad, or apple tv. You need to test every change on each phone, on each iPad, and on each apple tv. That costs a lot of time and money. You often times need to revise textures, 3D models, animations, UI, controls (for apple tv) etc for each one of those models. That also costs a lot of time and money. Let me put it to you this way - why is it that there are a plethora of apps and games that are available for the iPhone, that aren't available for the iPad or apple tv,  or vice versa? Because it isn't as simple as "scaling it down". It takes time and effort to develop for each platform, and that all increases development cost, and thus it makes developing for that platform as a whole more expensive.

Another thing that Apple allows you to do that Nintendo probably won't is they allow you develop for thatever device you choose. Want to make an app that just runs on iPhone. Go ahead. Just iPad? All the power to you. Apple TV and iPad? Have at it. Will Nintendo allow this though? Something tells me they won't. If they are pushing for a unified platform they're going to want every game to exist on every specification, otherwise what's the point if consumers have to buy each spec to get access to the full library, right? Well what that means is that there are added development costs to develop on NX that developers will not have to endure to develop for other platforms. It means that NX will be the most expensive platform to develop for. That is a very, very hard sell if you're Nintendo and you're trying to convince third parties to come to your platform.

Well look at the devices I just gave as an example, the new iPod Touch & Apple TV. Both of these devices have the same SoC, Apple A8, the only difference in specs is the CPU in the iPod is slightly downclocked and the Apple TV has an extra GB of RAM. Wouldn't it be pretty simple to develop a game that runs on either device? Another example could be 3DS vs New 3DS, we have already seen games that are compatible on both devices but run better on the New 3DS.

Also when talking about control schemes, the New 3DS & Wii U Gamepad are pretty much identical. 4 face buttons, D-pad, 2 control pads, 4 shoulder buttons, secondary touch screen, accelerometer, gyrometer, NFC compatible. There is no reason to believe that the NX Portable & NX Console will have completely separate control schemes.

I honestly believe ur making it seem way more complicated than it really is, why do we have games that are available on iOS/Android/Windows/Steam/PS3/PS4/Vita/360/XB1/3DS/Wii U and that's not even taking into account the dozens of different iOS devices, dozens of Android devices and dozens of PC setups. Ur looking at games that are playable on 50+ different devices, we see this all the time and now it somehow takes too much time/money to make a game run on 2 devices with minimal differences? I'm just not buying it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.