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potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

First we have to address why u believe the various forms factors will have significantly different hardware and control schemes? Also I remember a recent thread where u were going on about all the same stuff u just wrote then another developer came along, proved u wrong and u backtracked on many of ur statements and agreed with him that such a setup would help on many issues. I'm not going to go back and find the thread/posts buy u know exactly what I'm talking about.

Are they going to have the exact same hardware specifications? No? Are you going to be able to make the same memory allocations? No? Cache sizes? No? etc. etc. Since the answer is "No" then you need to accomodate that. At the end of the day you will never be able to make a game for the NX Home and it "just run" a "scaledown version" on the NX Portable. There is additional costs involved with every specification you add.

You can try to find it if you want. I certainly wasn't proven wrong, and I hardly call what I said "backtracking" as much as I was clarifying that while it may be possible to develop tools, and develop the engine to make some parts of the development more streamlined (some of which I overlooked, and conceded to), it would still at the end of the day be more expensive to develop a game for the NX platform than it would be to develop a game on the PS4 or Xbox One.

If that's the case, how is it done on PC? Nothing accomodates more than PC. It ranges form near super computers, all the way down to anemic set ups with on board graphics. They certainly don't run tests on each and every variation involved with that. Tests are done, without doubt, but they support different GPU's, CPU's, different amounts of RAM, different resolutions. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, if Nintendo is creating a unified OS structure, API, Chip set and the like, to be able to actually scale down like you said wasn't possible. Just dropping resolution can change how a game runs in leaps and bounds, even with similar textures. Often with memory differences things like view distance is changed so that the computer can handle it. Could this not be a similar circumstance?  

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.