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zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:

Power was the main reason nobody bought a Wii U on launch so none of these franchises came. Most gamers were expected a console that was at least several times more powerful than the 360/PS3. Instead it was a console on the same power level with issues on several launch titles. The launch titles didn't give a compelling reason for 360/PS3 owners to buy a Wii U so the console bombed. It didn't help that the only third-party exclusive that was to be released on mid 2013 and that every one was interested in was delayed several months and ported to the 360/PS3.

Many of those games released in the launch window (first few months) so by the time 3rd parties found out Wii U wasn't selling well, these games would have already been nearing completion. That means sales had no bearing on whether or not many of those games came to Wii U, because they were never planned for Wii U to begin with. That's why the people saying all Nintendo needs to do is make a console that's more powerful than PS4 and everything will be fine are extremely niave.

Nintendo needs to rebuild links with third parties, but they can't do that without a competitive system. Right now they need a console that is over 5x more powerful than a PS4, with a price not higher than $400. I doubt they can do that next year.