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potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

You don't understand, completely changing who u are in order to appeal to people who don't give a shit about u is the easiest way to guarantee poor sales. Just making a copy of what Sony/Microsoft make in order to get multiplats isn't going to convince anybody to choose Nintendo over them. What incentive will the people who play shooters/sports/racing/action games on Playstation/Xbox have for switching to Nintendo?

Ohh, so you mean what Nintendo did with the Wii? They sold over 100 million consoles to people who could not care less about Nintendo, but it was cheap, and popular in seniors homes!  Go Nintendo! Ohh wait, that was the exception, not the rule. Less than 10% of Wii owners bought a Wii U. Ouch.

Here are the facts: With the exception of the Wii, every single Nintendo home console has sold worse than its predecessor. Nintendo's sales continue to drop. Nintendo is forecasting the lowest year of sales, hardware wise, since they released the Game Boy in 1989. The Nintendo fan base is shrinking, and shrinking fast, and you're begging Nintendo to keep catering to that dwindling fan base. How on earth do you think this is a smart decision.

Nintendo has to do something to appeal to those 150 million people who buy playstations or xboxes instead of Wii Us, or they might as well stop making home consoles all together. At this rate the NX Home (if they're silly enough to try and make one platform with two different specs, and completely alienate third parties) will sell less than 10 million worldwide. What then?

Exactly! I am a die hard Nintendo fan with brand loyalty been that way since birth. But if they continue down this track I will be just another fan they lose.  Honestly I should get some sort of award for sticking with them this long.