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potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

And that's all that matters? Just visuals? The fact that Nintendo still pumps out amazing games doesn't matter because they could look better with more advanced hardware. If that's the case than why doesn't Nintendo releases a $10,000 console? I'm sure it would have amazing specs that blows PS5 out of the water!!!!!

Mock him all you want, at the end of the day, you own a Wii U and he doesn't. Tell me, will you consider the NX successful if the platform (assuming handheld and home console) sells less than 50 million? Because that's the sales you can expect if Nintendo keeps catering to people like you, and not people like him.

You don't seem to understand, making Nintendo fanboys happy is the easiest way for Nintendo to guarantee poor sales. The hardcore Nintendo fanbase continues to dwindle, and Nintendo's presence in the industry continues to dwindle with it.

U must have missed the part earlier in the thread where he said all he cares about are Nintendo games, he even admitted that there are great Wii U games with great visuals but if the next Nintendo console isn't a large leap over PS4 than he will quit gaming altogether. No matter what way u slice it, that's a very dumb way of thinking.

You don't understand, completely changing who u are in order to appeal to people who don't give a shit about u is the easiest way to guarantee poor sales. Just making a copy of what Sony/Microsoft make in order to get multiplats isn't going to convince anybody to choose Nintendo over them. What incentive will the people who play shooters/sports/racing/action games on Playstation/Xbox have for switching to Nintendo?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.