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zorg1000 said:
illdill1987 said:

No, not at all. Zelda, Metroid even a game like Luigis Mansion is incredibly atmospheric. And better graphics could help all those games out. Wandering through a fantasy world in zelda or a futuristic space ship in Metroid or a dark and foggy cemetary in Luigis mansion. The mood in all those games could benefit a great deal from advanced technology.... Also Pikmin... What are you talking about Nintendo games are not atmopsheric? You might not realize it because the graphics are a generation behind.

U do realize there has never been a Zelda, Metroid or Luigi's Mansion title on Wii U, right? The previous installments of all those franchises appeared on Wii/3DS which are like 1/50th the power of Wii U so u have absolutely no idea how realistic/atmospheric those titles could be on Wii U level hardware.

Nintendo doesn't need to be as powerful as the competitors to make beautiful games, take a look at Twilight Princess/Metroid Prime 3/Mario Galaxy, despite being on vastly inferior hardware, these games still looked great even compared to 360/PS3 games at the time.

Same goes for this generation, games like Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X all look great despite being on significantly weaker hardware than PS4/XB1 while also being all of these teams first HD projects.

I know they could look good... But they could always look better had Nintendo made competent hardware. And besides Nintendo occasionally doesn't even use the full potential of its own hardware. Just look at StarFox! And personally I don't think Smash Bros upgraded graphically enough. That being said I will admit what I have seen from Zelda matches anything I have seen on ps4 or X1. Mario Kart 8 also very happy with but imagine what they could accomplish with ps4 level hardware I mean it would look like a pixar movie.