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illdill1987 said:
zorg1000 said:

Exactly how many Nintendo games do u know of that try to be realistic/atmospheric? Like 1/20 and u even claimed earlier that u pretty much only like Nintendo games, u seem to be contradicting urself.

No, not at all. Zelda, Metroid even a game like Luigis Mansion is incredibly atmospheric. And better graphics could help all those games out. Wandering through a fantasy world in zelda or a futuristic space ship in Metroid or a dark and foggy cemetary in Luigis mansion. The mood in all those games could benefit a great deal from advanced technology.... Also Pikmin... What are you talking about Nintendo games are not atmopsheric? You might not realize it because the graphics are a generation behind.

U do realize there has never been a Zelda, Metroid or Luigi's Mansion title on Wii U, right? The previous installments of all those franchises appeared on Wii/3DS which are like 1/50th the power of Wii U so u have absolutely no idea how realistic/atmospheric those titles could be on Wii U level hardware.

Nintendo doesn't need to be as powerful as the competitors to make beautiful games, take a look at Twilight Princess/Metroid Prime 3/Mario Galaxy, despite being on vastly inferior hardware, these games still looked great even compared to 360/PS3 games at the time.

Same goes for this generation, games like Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X all look great despite being on significantly weaker hardware than PS4/XB1 while also being all of these teams first HD projects.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.