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Xenostar said:
Scisca said:

Yup, it does need power, cause right now no one buy Nintendo - period.

Aiming right of the bat to be an afterthought, used a couple times a year isn't the best strategy.


The reason no one is buying Nintendo right now Console wise. is because its around the same price as the competition but cant be a primary console (for most) becuase of the lack of third parties. If the Wii U was price similarly to the Wii, it would be doing alot better i feel. The cost of that pad is what holds the system back so much. For the right price im more than happy to buy Nintnedo just to play Nintendo game. 

If they release a $400 console thats more powerfull than ps4, that still only plays Nintendo games, then it will be another generation i pass there home console offering by. 

Nintendo make games with cartoony graphics they dont need high end power, unless they plan on winning all the 3rd parties back and good luck with that.

Look. Nintendo when designing the NX has to take into account PS4 costing $299. This is a given, they'd have to be complete idiots if they were still considering $399 competitors. This means no $400 console, you really are out of touch suggesting something like that. $299 is by far the most NX can cost. They have only 3 options really, $249, $279, $299. What they have to do is hit one of these marks with their price with a console slightly more powerful than the PS4. I think it is possible considering they have 3 years of extra tech development on their side. I mean, with a $299 PS4 (and a $249 Xbone?) just how cheap would an underpowerd NX have to be to get people interested? $149? Do you honestly think such a console would be interesting for anyone? Don't forget that Wii went against ridiculously expensive competition, something different than what NX will have to face in a year. Competition is priced very well, it's totally affordable, so competing on price really isn't the best option.

Nintendo makes cartoony games - cool, but the audience for Nintendo games only is very, very small as N64, GCN and Wii U show you. They can't afford yet another arrogant approach to 3rd parties. They need to win them back, or they are setting themselves up for another disaster. Finally making a console powerful enough and with x86 architecture would be enough for 3rd parties to give them games. Giving them tools to make the best console experience would draw their attention and also draw all gamers who "want the best".

I guess we just have different approach and expectations. We'll see what Nintendo goes for, I hope they make a console more powerful than PS4 (1080p/60fps multiplats is what I want). In any other case - I'm gonna ignore the console just like I did with the Wii U and will go for PS4.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.