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Hiku said:
Aquietguy said:
Hiku said:

Your Gameboy Advance (pretty sure you mean Nintendo DS) reference is about two screens integrated on the same hardware. That is not the same as a separate screen that can be used remotely, so it's certainly not a byproduct of that. Nintendo had two screens on their old Donkey Kong Game & Watch back in 1982.

It's purpose, just like with the NDS, was to give you more screen, not to let you stream the entire game from your console.
The PSP/Vita introduced the ability to play your console games on the go.

No it's was the Gameboy Advanced that connected to the GameCube. That's the first interaction between console and handheld. Again,  the Wii U isn't about playing on the go. It's about dual screen.  Just wireless dual screen. But no remote play on the go. 

He's specifically talking about being able to stream your console games to be playable from a remote location. WiiU offers that function, but with a ranged limit. No one said that's what WiiU is about. But it's a feature it has. If someone wants to watch sports on the TV, you can stream the WiiU game to the gamepad, and take it to a different room and play from there.

Remote play and off screen play aren't necessarily the same. And yes off screen play is a byproduct of dual screen interaction with a home console. Obviously it makes no sense with a hand held.  But the point of the Wii U is the merge of two screens. As opposed to being an add on.