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Bryank75 said:
I think the sheer quantity of articles, the twitch people like Gothalion and Triplewreck etc. , the phenomenal community that help each other, build websites and apps to aid teaming up and the score of the latest content (Taken King) shows that Destiny is at the forefront of gaming at the moment.

343 have not yet shown that they can deliver a competently made game and this time it is critical. While Bungie have shown that despite problems during development, they can listen and improve what they have. It helps that mechanically Destiny is in many peoples opinions number one.

I like many others were overdosed on the Chief last generation. How many iterations can you have in such a short time!?
It is "Stay safe and get stale" or "try something new with big risk / reward". IMO.

Last generation was 2 games of Chief.