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Scisca said:
Xenostar said:
Nope doesnt need power, no one buys Nintendo for multiplat games, they buy them for Nintendo games, the graphics just dont matter, price is the most important thing, they need to be so affordable they can be everyones second console.

Yup, it does need power, cause right now no one buy Nintendo - period.

Aiming right of the bat to be an afterthought, used a couple times a year isn't the best strategy.


The reason no one is buying Nintendo right now Console wise. is because its around the same price as the competition but cant be a primary console (for most) becuase of the lack of third parties. If the Wii U was price similarly to the Wii, it would be doing alot better i feel. The cost of that pad is what holds the system back so much. For the right price im more than happy to buy Nintnedo just to play Nintendo game. 

If they release a $400 console thats more powerfull than ps4, that still only plays Nintendo games, then it will be another generation i pass there home console offering by. 

Nintendo make games with cartoony graphics they dont need high end power, unless they plan on winning all the 3rd parties back and good luck with that.