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Im of the opinion that it isnt a real 3D game as well....

Something about those linar 2D sidescroll type maps, and the basically locked camra, and the time limit (kinda short) on each level.... just doesnt make it "feel" like a 3D world type game.  You need free camra movement, and you need time to explore every area as much as you want.

Its like playing a 2.5D mario game, instead of a 3D one.


Why does 3D mario matter if DKC 3D doesnt matter?

Because people enjoy the 3D Mario games, and the 1 n64 DK game that was, kinda sucked.


Nintendo need to get mario back to the old days of Mario 64 but with higher graphics, and make Mario differnt from DKC.

Let DKC be the 2.5D mario game, and let mario stay forever more true 3D.