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Scisca said:
I think Nintendo fans saying "I don't need power", "Nintendo games don't need power, cause they are cartoony" ignore the fact, that without quality 3rd party support, NX will bomb. 3rd party games are more important than 1st party games, period. If the console is weaker than PS4. people won't feel the need to get it, cause it's no upgrade over the "market standard". The Nintendo console will be yet again relegated to struggle in a fight to justify itself as a secondary console for exclusives only. Not the best place to be.

I'd be very happy with NX being my primary console this gen, but it has to be at least somewhat more powerful than the PS4. Taking advantage of 3 extra years and the advancement in technology, being powerful enough to play 3rd party games in 1080p/60fps with the same graphics would be the sweet spot that would sway many people away from PS4/Xbone. Obviously, the online service would have to be top notch with account system in the eShop and trophy/achievements, but how hard is that? Do that and the market is yours for the taking, Nintendo!

No, that would not sway anybody. The fanbase for major 3rd party games are already on PS4/XB1, simply releasing a console that gets ports of these consoles will not cause the fans of such games to move over even if slightly superior on Nintendo's console.

Will the 15+ million GTAV owners on PS4/XB1 switch over to NX for GTAVI? How about the 15+ million Black Ops 3 owners, will they switch to NX for next COD? How about the 10 million Destiny or Watch Dogs owners, will they choose NX for their sequels? Same goes for Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Witcher, Arkham, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Age, Dying Light, Battlefield, Metal Gear Solid, Madden, FIFA, Need for Speed, etc. The fanbase for all these games are already on PS4/XB1, with other major 3rd party franchises like Battlefront, Deus Ex, Fallout, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Doom and others getting installments on these devices before NX releases.

What incentive will the 80+ million people who bought PS4/XB1 from 2013-2016 have for upgrading to NX? What about people looking to buy a console in 2017-2019? Will they choose NX or the consoles with large established libraries and online communities where all their friends are playing? What happens 2-3 years later when Sony/Microsoft release vastly more powerful devices than NX?

Anyway u slice it, Nintendo is in a losing situation if they make a console with the objective of getting ports, it will be a Wii U situation all over again. 3rd parties might give decent support at first but once they realize that the audience isn't there, they will stop releasing games for it and the cycle continues.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.