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I've seen so many poor choices by Nintendo over recent years which has caused an erosion of their market share especially for home consoles. However I'm hopefully with AMD stating they are working on a home console for someone and the fact 2016 they are releasing some amazing chips which puts them in a much more competitive position against Intel that Nintendo has the chance to bring out an amazing console using this hardware.

Despite all the fanboy nonsense on this site the wii u clearly is weaker than 360 and PS3 in many important parts of its specification, we know that for a fact beyond question with regard the cpu and memory bandwidth and you only have to look at the games to confirm this. If you believe otherwise then make an argument around the exact specification not just stupid throwaway comments that are meaningless.

However I feel there is a chance Nintendo will produce an NX console of reasonable power. I think it will be easy for the NX to outperform xbone and ps4 for cpu performance. The rest I don't know its really based on how much Nintendo are willing to spend. Nintendo won't have to spend that much though to easily beat ps4 using the new AMD technology so I'm hopeful they will do it. The point is the technology allows them to go slightly past ps4 or past ps4 by a huge margin and I suspect Nintendo will go only slightly past at best but we shall see.

Of course there is the other direction where Nintendo use one of AMD's new arm based APU's and create something along the lines of an android box where they produce a lightweight home console. I see this as a disaster as the market is saturated and Nintendo won't be able to charge much for their software or hardware and for me this would lead to Nintendo leaving the hardware market shortly afterwards. Even the outgoing ps3 and 360 would be far better gaming options.