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Scisca said:

Handhelds either need to evolve big time, or fade away.

Obviously, never did I say or imply that Nintendo can release a turd and expect 50+ million sales, I've been saying for a long time that they need to adapt and not make a bunch of mistakes in the process.

Better launch price, better launch lineup, better post-launch release schedule, less confusing marketing, more online/social/multimedia features, better account system, more affordable software, no strange design choices, etc are some ways Nintendo can make their devices more attractive to consumers. Many statements from Iwata and company along with recent actions show that they are dedicated to evolving and not simply laying down and letting their consumer base die.

Whether or not they succeed remains to be seen but it's still a bit early to say handhelds are dead/dying, we have only seen one single generation worth of decline and the DS/PSP generation was 3x the size of any previous generation so it's kinda hard to determine if it's a trend or a single isolated incident.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.