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Xponent said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Xponent said:
Blu Ray support makes sense for Microsoft. It effectively neutralises a major advantage of the PS3. If they can reduce the price of the unit further, they might be able to regain some lost ground this Xmas. GTA4 DC, Fable 2 and Banjo 3 is a respectable line up.

 Gears of War 2 will sell heaps around Xmas too.

What an oversight.  o_O   Indeed, GOW2 will be the biggest game for the Xbox this Xmas IMO.

@ Squilliam, are you being sarcastic? Even if it did sell less than a million first day, that's hardly an indication of a flop. Halo 3 it is not.

Well yea of course. It will probably sell at least 5 million units if not creeping into the 6-7million range due to increased market penetration. Its quite an accessible shooter for noobs I think so it should get a good attach rate.
