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The problem with idea of Nintendo making console powerful as, or more powerful than PS4 is that there is good chance that people are going to be just as angry as the result regardless.

If anything, they will ultimately get less hate flames in long run if they released weak console.

Nintendo is still looking for more developers and staffs to fill in their studio ever since Wii U launched, but they aren't really that successful at filling empty void. (There was a rumor that minimum requirement test that need to be done in order to just send a resume has combination of university level math and science.) Since they (Including notable third party like Gamefreaks) don't have enough manpower to juggle every franchise they have right now, we will see even more restrictive franchise choices.

That means more of familiar franchises and less revivals of franchises that doesn't sell, like F-Zero. Or they will spun-off to cheaper name drop, like Metroid Federation Forces. Of course, last report related to this subject is from 2013 Q3, so they might have increased their manpower drastically. If so, this entire prediction is null and void. I kinda hope that is the case.

...They should buy off entire Kojima's Studio from Konami.