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The responses to this thread are kind of worrying. Yeah, voice actors are replaceable. Does that mean we should ignore their requests? No. These people still put time and effort, often more than they expect to, to be paid less than they deserve.

Could the companies outsource if the whole guild went on strike in the US? Yes, but the cost of shipping the actors overseas and then making them do mocap work, or the cost of paying a local actor to mocap, will still hurt the publisher even if only marginally on huge games. If I can find the article Steven Ogg wrote on the issue just after GTA V launched, I'll link it in an edit. The amount of work he and the other two main actors did was insane and voice actors gained a lot of respect in my book after reading what's essentially the status quo for a voice/mocap performance.

The voices may be replaceable, but a lot will be lost when you have two people doing one person's job. Nolan North noted that it takes a special actor to be able to act, correctly, while imagining the entire scene they're in instead of on a real, tangible set that can help them get into character.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!