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Nem said:
Soundwave said:

Uh, pretty sure the popularly known definition of VR is basically a helmet you put over your head that transposes you into a different reality. That's a concept that's been around and hyped since the 1980s at least. 

I don't think anyone's dumb enough to be expecting the holodeck from Star Trek. 

The Playstation VR/Occulus Rift/etc. are basically the realization of ideas that even Sega and Nintendo were promising from the early 1990s. 

Whatever you want to call it.

There is no sensory experience in it, so i dont see it as anymore VR than a game in your TV. Just cause the screen is in my face it doesnt magically become someting else (this is more in response to other posters).

And yes, i dont think we are even close yet to real VR technology, and yes, Sega and Nintendo were already trying to dupe us back then.

What? Do you even know how VR works? You've obviously never used absolutely a sensory experience. Though...I can't think of anything that isn't a sensory experience.

Modern VR is way more than just being really close to the screen though. It is so far beyond playing a game on your tv. Even a rudimentary setup like Google Carboard does a pretty good job of tricking the brain into thinking it's somewhere it's not.

It's really impossible to accuratley explain, you just need to try it for yourself.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.