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d21lewis said:
I'm kind of tired of the console wars, too. I actually wish we could get to where the movie and music industry is--one platform for everything and upgrades it every five years. Like Phil said, make it about the games again.

That'd be nice, but that's not how it is and probably won't ever be how it is.

If Sony and Microsoft hated console wars as much as they're constantly stating, they'd merge the Xbox and Playstation brands so gamers wouldn't have to pick and choose between consoles to get all of the games.

However, if the console war didn't exist, gaming would be even worse.  Rivalry breeds competition.  Look at all three Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft when they got complacent thinking they had an easy win what with Sony thinking people will buy the overpriced PS3 with nothing worthwile at launch, Nintendo who wasn't supporting their console and didn't get third party support, and Microsoft with an overpriced console, putting betting all their money that Kinect and casual content would win the customers over.  The Sega Genesis was mostly filled with first party or first party published titles because of Nintendo's stranglehold on the market.

With rivalry and competition, we all win.  Unless you own a Wii U and Vita.  I felt that I wasted my money on both of those consoles the amount of exclusive content they don't have, or in Vita's case, that keeps getting ported over to the PS3 or PS4.