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- Nolan North who voices lots of characters in videogames but is better known for voicing Nathan Drake in the Uncharted series said in an exclusive interview for Mirror Online the following about videogames being sexist:

"For a long time, games were just, you could call it, sexist," said the father-of-two.

"It was just business, because what happens when teenage boys are your main audience?"

"You design big, badass superheroes and women with big boobs and bikinis."

- But he thinks that videogames will get better with time as he said:

"Gamers used to be kids, stoned in the basement with their earbuds in, jamming out to rock music and playing video games,"

"But as players get older, they are expecting better material."

He pointed to the redesign of Tomb Raider star Lara Croft as evidence sexism is "getting better".

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: