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Aura7541 said:
Madword said:

Problem is they had such crazy deals last year anyone wanting to buy an XBO would probably wait, and I think thats the problem in doing a firesale and then putting it back up. Phil is probably trying to get people to think the same will happen with PS4.

Cutting the XBO's price by another $50 is dangerous because MS just did that last year. The last thing you want to do is to condition consumers to expect an annual price cut. In addition, last year the XBO went from a $399 to $349 with two games, which was further reduced to $329 on Black Friday. That is a huge jump in value and a jump that will be difficult to match, even if you do cut the price.

Not to mention Aura-San that, upon doing so, more than likely they will lose money for each Xbox sold even more so. Personally, I believe Microsoft should ride this holiday out looking more so for profitability instead of sales leads. 10 million is too much to make up for; doubly so since Sony's 2016 line-up is stacked.

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