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PAOerfulone said:

Honestly, I fail to see why character faces are that important.

And it doesn't need to be bundled with any of those games.
If it's gonna remove it's "niche" nametag and stand alone as a legit AAA franchise for Nintendo.
It needs to do just that, do it alone.
And to do that, they need to market the hell out of it. Same way they've been doing with all their big time Wii U titles since Mario Kart 8.
I remember back when almost nobody outside of Nintendo Fan forms knew about Splatoon and those people said Splatoon was gonna bomb and barely reach Wonderful 101 numbers.
One fantastic marketing campaign later... Look where it is now. And it didn't need Mario or co. to do it, it did it by itself
Xenoblade has the advantage of having a preestablished fanbase. Now it needs huge marketing to extend that fanbase exponetially.
A Xenoblade stand alone bundle + $50 price cut world certainly help things as well

I haven't seen any marketing actions for Fatal Frame V and Zenobureido Cross. FFV got nothing and XenoX got.. ugh.. one short explanation trailer? Both games will flop hard in terms of sales due Nintendo's policy.