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Soundwave said:
Nuvendil said:
Soundwave said:

How does Splatoon honestly appeal to the people who like Battlefield and Grand Theft Auto though? It doesn't really. 

That's part of Nintendo's issue is they are known for and like to make very family friendly, Disney-approved type franchises in an industry where "third party support" really means hyper-violent action games and sports sims for the jock crowd and not a whole lot else. 

In a way, Nintendo's decline in the console market, seeing what's its become is fairly understandable. Sony/MS can just tap into that audience better because there is no conflict in content there, they are all about hyper violent action games and sports titles. 

Nintendo's never going to be competetive head-on with Sony/MS for all the big third party franchises, that's kinda part and parcel of the problem too. Third parties don't need Nintendo, Sony/MS let them access all the consumers they really want, so Nintendo is basically just the third wheel. 

What?  No, I was saying Splatoon was the only game recently outside Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Smash to get any marketing worth a penny. 

And even those were mismarketed sometimes.  Not that it was one of their diversification IPs :P.  Diversication would be found in Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, F-Zero, Metroid, Fatal Frame, Golden Sun, even Mother plus 3rd party exclusives and spinoffs like Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, No More Heroes, Last Story, etc.  They own and have worked with 3rd parties to make some decidedly NOT childish games and new IP.  They just never, ever market those worth anything.  If Xenoblade Chronicles X was an upcoming Sony exclusive, they would never let us hear the end of it.  They would show it off everywhere, talk it up, advertise it constantly as release approached.  Nintendo, on the other hand, didn't just not market the first Xenoblade they freaking kneecapped it before sending it west.  Metroid Prime?  That would get the freaking Last of Us treatment; you wouldn't be able to escape that game if Sony or Microsoft were making it.  Problem is, Nintendo spends money making these games (the aforementioned IP and of course third party exclusives like Bayonetta 2 or No More Heroes) and then do exactly nothing to market it.  They have potential for an extremely wide appeal.  They don't because despite having the resources and IP, they seem to think that adults develop telepathy, especially in the west, and don't need to be informed of or sold on anything.

But this conversation isn't really going anywhere and these quote trees are getting ridiculous so let's call this done. :P

Nintendo's never really been great at marketing. The last generation they weren't outmarketed was in the 1980s. 

Uh, no Nintendo was great at marketing once upon a time.  The N64 marketing campaign was very, very strong early on (Get N or Get Out being the most memorable and prolific ad and epitomized how you reach out the young while not alienating the old), which is why it had a very strong start.  The lack of 3rd party support, cost of games, and game droughts (all mostly due to cartridge nonsense) led to the legs dropping off but the marketing was on point.  The Super Nintendo had a large number of ads.  The slogan "Now Your Playing with Power, SUPER Power!" was quite widespread and of course the Super Mario World ad was a major push many remember to this day.  The marketing blunders of Nintendo started with Gamecube, where they did piss all to market that thing (I watched Cartoon Network all the time growing up and only knew Super Mario Sunshine launched because Toonami reviewed it months after release).  The Wii saw a revival in Nintendo marketing, with the "Wii Would Like to Play" ad campaign being very well done and wide spread all the way through 2008, advertising Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros, Red Steel, Wii Sports,Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (which got two other, seperate ads that were quite prolific), and even Metroid Prime 3 (though the ad was very rare to see).  It was late 2009 - 2010 when their marketing took a nose dive from "competent" (where it had fallen to) to "non existent," (they went from marketing nearly every exclusive to launching Skyward Sword, Xenoblade, Last Story, Mario Party 9, and Pandora's Tower without a word essentiall) where it remained until the Wii U's uninformative launch ad and it only went downhill from there until they woke up in time to market Mario Kart 8 over 1.5 years later.  Nintendo were great at marketing for a long while and then...well then I don't know what.  They just up and gave up.  And it's something they must fix.  Marketing isn't a good helper, it is essential.  Those who don't market, don't succeed.  That's just a foundational principle of good business.

Nintendo was badly outmarketed by Sony in the N64/Playstation days (Hey Plumber Boy, FF7's marketing, etc. etc.) and Sega completely dominated them during the Genesis days. That was really how Nintendo got any competetition in the first place ... Sega started marketing towards the MTV/teenager crowd, while Nintendo was still using as you put it, the lame "Now you're playing with SUPER Power" stuff, which was just recycled from the NES days. 

Sega was vicious, lol

Nintendo's sucked at marketing for the better part of 20 years now. It's just not how their products sell, their products tend to sell through strong word of mouth. 

Case in point, I don't even remember seeing a TV ad for GoldenEye 007 on the N64, yet that sold through the roof. 

Being out marketed=/=sucked.  GameCube marketing sucked.  Wii U marketing sucked.  N64 (the early campaign, when the legs game out the ads dried up too) was  strong and SNES was good.  Even if you are out marketed, putting out a good effort gets you better results than sucking or doing nothing.  Mirosoft is being out marketed as all crap right now, but they are still getting better results than Nintendo who just plain sucked until fairly recently (and still aren't prolific).

But the point you completely missed was that REGARDLESS of what they were like and are like in marketing, they must get good.  Period.  End of story.  The NX could literally be a legal money printing device with two PS4s inside and it will not sell if they have a launch campaign like the Wii U's or the Wii U's 2013 holiday marketing.  The NX will fail, the successor to it will fail, they will all fail if their answer to MS and Sony's aggressive marketing is to do next to nothing.  Cause that's just business.