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Cobretti2 said:
UltimateUnknown said:

That is literally what the legendary edition is, expect they are throwing in the vanilla Destiny as free. Here's a small breadown:

Vanilla Destiny=$60

DLC 1 (Dark Below)=$20

DLC2 (House of Wolves)=$20

Taken King=$40

Legendary Edition Destiny=$60 (Includes everything above)

So if you bought DLC 1+DLC 2+Taken King separately because you already have vanilla Destiny, it would cost you $80. So rather than doing that they're just giving you Legendary Edition which costs $60 and saves you $20 plus throws in the vanilla Destiny game as well. If you only have the original game the Legendary Edition is the best option because it saves you $20 and includes all the DLC released so far.

I understand what you are saying, but what I am saying is by throwing the vanilla destiny in for free it basically makes the $125 disc I own useless i.e. $125 in cash down a sinkhole. Who would buy that of me now  when a much better cheaper full version is avaialble lol?

If for $99  hereyou get the legendary edition they should judt offer another option where taken king + the two DLC for say $50. This way at least the vanilla destiny game still has some sort of value to it.

Well unfortunately that's how it goes. The value of most games (apart from Nintendo ones) depreciates rapidly over time. The vanilla destiny game was going to be the same, so they just decided to give newcomers a good deal.