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NightDragon83 said:

Wow, a trip to the White House and NASA for bringing a "clock" to school that looks like a stereotypical briefcase bomb from any number of action movies over the years.

Surprised he didn't go all out and shape the clock like an actual bomb...

And of course the PC / SJW crowd is lapping this story up because it checks all the boxes... poor oppressed Muslim kid from conservative Texas gets stereotyped by his teacher and has a rough encounter with "The Man" as a result, ending in a suspension.  Nevermind the fact that literally hundreds of kids have gotten suspended for WAY less thanks to "zero tolerance" policies implemented in our schools by the very PC crowd that's currently lauding this kid and using him to advance their own agendas.

There is always that one person who says this kinda stuff....this is why we cant have nothing nice in this country.