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Neodegenerate said:
UltimateUnknown said:

That is absolute BS. I have played games before that I did not like and played games that I liked. Neither category were 10 or 1. In fact I'd argue I've never actually played a truly 10 game, as in something that is flawless in every regard, or a 1 game, which is literally broken.

This whole 10 or 1 mentality really needs to stop. I think this is what leads to all this the birth of trolls and blind fanboys. But who am I kidding, this is never gonna go away.

Which part is BS?  The idea that most people rate things a 10 or a 1 or the 10 or 1 mentality itself?  Not rating something a 10 (or max) or 1 puts you in the minority usually.  Hell, look at Amazon's reviews.  Most "average" products are full of 5s.  Sure you have your rational-minded people who give an average product a 3, but those are few and far between.  


The mentality is also worsened by the fact that someone will go out of their way to speak on something they hate while they won't go out of their way to discuss what they enjoy.

Both really. I mean purely from a logical point of view, you could really hate a game, but once you let your emotions settle down and think hard about it, its likely that there is at least some aspect of that game you liked, no matter how small. That would already suggest the game is not a 1/10. Same goes the other way around. Even if you absolutely adore a game, if you thought hard about it you could probably find some flaws in it, no matter how small. So its not a 10/10. The point is, this digitized 1 and 0 way of thinking really stops our communities from being better.

If rather than saying "F THIS GAME IT SUCKS BALLS F U SHIZNITS GAAAAAAAAAH 1/10" or "BEST GAME EVAAAAAAAAAR FAIRIES, PONIES, RAINBOWS 10/10" we actually had someone who gave a reasonable score and said what he/she liked as well as disliked about the game, the reviews would be more useful and we could all make more informed decisions. Right now because all these people are giving such extreme scores we have no choice to blanket disregard them as either trolls or fanboys. Really they are ultimately doing a diservice to themselves.

But I understand your point and I get that most people who do end up reviewing just do so to either give a 1 or a 10.