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SuperNova said:

Let's hope so, NOA has been on a little upwards trend with it's commercials lately and Nintendo in general seems to be listening to fan and critic feedback more. Hopefully he continues these trends.


Weeeeeeell, I'm not trying to be mean here, but Iwata certainly seemed more...charismatic than him. :P

He is sort of old too, but seems to be a veteran. I wonder if they put him in charge for the next 3-5 years in order to groom a younger successor.

It's bad to judge people on appearance but I will only say that when I saw his picture here I immediately thought he would take Nintendo into the Hentai videogame market. :P

If he manages his English very well then I guess he at least could have a strong presence during Nintendo conventions and stuff.

Who knows, maybe he is old but with modern ideas?

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: