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guys, if you have problems unlocking the content, the trick is, use all the current available content that you have and make sure you have used enough of it. like the land/ground, make a lot of it. once you have unlock a content, try to create a level with the new content if possible. make sure there are a lot of those, then wait for 15 minutes. there would be a notification that you're content would arrive on the , it just means you are around maybe 50%-70% nearing to unlock the next content. just don't create a level yet and try to unlock everything if you want to. then once you've unlock everything then you can do whatever level you wanted to.

quick question: not sure if someone have tried the World 7 in SMB3, all pipes, it is a maze which is great but not sure if SMM can do it, it is an upward stage and all the pipes have entry/exit but you are not going into a dungeon or so, just moving to the different screen of the level.

my wishlist:
1. checkpoint
2. SMB3 and SMW other level designs - tank, desert, big world, etc
3. same level use of pipes
4. creation of world upward and to the left if possible
5. enemies that are missing from all the series
6. add the mario bros stage as part of SMM, and forgot the game where you have the golden hammer that you can somewhat fly to the next area while smashing doors and bricks (Wrecking Crew)